Friday, July 11, 2008

More Naked Biking

Looks like tomorrow there will be more naked bike riding going on in case you didn't get a couple weeks ago from the summer solstice parade. I guess every neighborhood has their schtick, ours just happens to be naked bike riders. 


Sunil The Fremont Realtor said...

nothing like that happens in Fremont CA, but when I went to Berkeley, there was a guy who liked to go to class naked, and there were some people who liked to protest naked.

SoapBox said...

Hey MM -
Are you still interested in posting information about Fremont? I am looking for a blogger who would be interested writing about life here at the Center of the Universe... You keep writing and I help get your words out there... interested?

Anonymous said...

I only caught the tailend last year (ah hah....) excited for this year..